Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Reason Behind This Site

Simply enough, the goal of this site is to make everyone aware of the latest scams, identity thefts, viruses, spyware, hacking etc. in order to lessen the amount of people that fall victim to these crimes.

How Dangerous Are These Crimes?
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Identity theft and other scams cost Americans $1.52 billion in 2011. This included 1.8 million reports from people who fell victim to scams. All thieves need is a little personal information to steal your identity and wipe out your bank accounts in an instant.

Why Create This Site Now? 
With the rapid rise of Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg etc., information can now be shared to millions of people across the globe in seconds. Literally anyone with internet access can spread information instantly, regardless if the information is true or false. Unfortunately, many people believe in online scams and what is worse, they share these online scams with others because they believe that the information is true. People who are desperate for money are more likely to fall victim to scams, especially in this poor economic environment.

One example of this I often see on Facebook is "Send this to 10 friends and get a free _____ !" The blank space is usually money, a gift card or something "free" that no one will ever get because it is a scam.

How Can I Help Prevent These Crimes?
Now while Social Media allows scams to spread like wildfire, it can also be used to make people aware of scams. Those that are aware of potential scams are much less likely to fall victim to scams. To help protect people, please share this site and posts on this site with your family and friends through Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg etc.. A simple share could save someone's identity/money from being stolen just by making them aware. Be aware of scams they are always out there!

Please Share This With Those You Know!

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